The Square Hawaii hot tub offers a relaxing massage experience with 140 warm jets for 4 to 6 people. It can reach temperatures of up to 104 degrees F for maximum relaxation.
The EnergySense hot tub cover is 40% more energy efficient and meets all the required energy efficiency standards for sale in various states.
The DuraPlus material used in this hot tub is 33% more resistant to punctures and 56% more resistant to stretching. It also includes Freeze Shield heating to prevent freezing of components.
The spa comes with a pump for inflation and includes a cover, spa pump, chemical floater, 2 filter cartridges (VI), 1 repair patch, and a 6-foot-long cord for added convenience.
This portable hot tub measures 71” x 71” x 28” (L x W x H) and can hold 222 gallons of water at 80% capacity. It cannot be used in temperatures below 39 degrees F.